Pets Ark
Advanced Formula Flea & Tick Collars for Cats (UK Seller)
NOW up to 8 Months protection
Natural outdoor flea & tick collar
40cm long should fit most Cats we also sell 60cm for dogs (if you have a beast)
FYI Pomeranian Dogs and Chihuahua's will also use a cats (cheaper too)
After fitting any excess length may be trimmed with scissors
Natural active ingredients formulated with essential oil
DEET free (a.k.a diethyltoluamide, which can be a skin irritant to humans)
Safe for dogs and cats, light weight, adjustable & waterproof
Works for up to 8 months protection, 24 hours a day
thick fur cats can need changing sooner
100% Natural Ingredients
Cinnamon Oil, Eucalyptus Oil, Lemon Eucalyptus oil,
Lavender Oil. Linaloe, Polyethylene (base material)
Please note, This is a preventive method of flea control. Cats with serious infections of fleas or really thick fur may need a treatment to reduce the amounts they have before fitting the collar